2. Citation Graph will visually map these articles and their neighboring articles.
Each node represents an article and each edge represents a citation link between two articles
The color of the nodes corresponds to its cluster that is representative of its Domain
Nodes in black correspond to the user input articles
3. Explore the network
Hover over a node to highlight its title and its connecting nodes
Click on a node to open the corresponding article's webpage
Scroll to zoom in and out
Left click and drag to pan the view
Move the scroll bar to display more or less article titles
Type keywords into the search bar to highlight nodes whose titles contain these keywords
Logic expressions can be written in the conjunctive normal form 'keyword1, keyword2, keyword3 && keyword4, keyword5 && ...' where
the comma encodes a OR and && encodes a AND (OR is evaluated first).
The technology
Citation networks map knowledge flows within and across disciplines
Citation Graph will expand this article base to include most articles that cite or are cited by the input articles. This step is repeated once more on the expanded articles.
If the final group of articles is too large for a reasonable visual exploration, then a few of the least important articles that were added are removed.
The expanded group of articles are visually mapped onto to 2D space.